VSBA April Hot Topic Conference, April 13, 2021
Join us virtually for the 2021 VSBA April Hot Topic Conference. This conference brings together dynamic speakers addressing issues that are important and relevant to every school division. This year we will be discussing the important of collective bargaining. Attendees will hear from…
Seniors and 6th Graders Allowed 4-Day In-Person Instruction in Northampton
Northampton schools Superintendent Eddie Lawrence announced Tuesday that students in grades six and 12 will be permitted to return to school in person four days a week starting Monday, April 12. That means all Northampton elementary school students and seniors will…
Henry County’s 1% sales tax increase now in effect
Henry County Public Schools will get to complete renovations at several schools thanks to a new tax increase. The school district requested a sales tax to help expedite renovation projects for its aging schools. The 1% sales tax increase, which began April 1, will help pay for new…
Northam’s office blasts lawsuits against Virginia schools’ transgender policy
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s office on Wednesday chastised recent lawsuits challenging the state’s new guidelines for transgender students. “[W]e don’t normally comment on litigation, but this is beyond the pale,” a Northam spokesperson told The Washington Times. “Virginia…
International Transgender Visibility Day is celebrated on the heels of Virginia issuing school guidelines that are inclusive of transgender students
Transgender and nonbinary students in Virginia will soon be able to use their pronouns and name of choice at school, according to new guidelines from the Virginia Department of Education that school districts must adopt come September. VDOE’s model guidelines were…
Hundreds of families turn to home schooling, private schools during pandemic
Enrollment in Fauquier County Public Schools over the last year has dropped by about 889 students. Elementary school enrollment fell by 512, with second grade seeing the most significant decrease. Middle schools lost 215 students and high schools, 112. Eleventh grade…
South River Students Say Thank You To Real Life Superheroes
When asked to describe superheroes, Madeline Roberts, a third-grade student at South River Elementary School said “nice,” “help people,” “good guys.” These words could be attributed to the people Madeline sees in comic book movies and shows, but in this instance she was…
Roanoke City high schools collaborate in virtual choral performance
The current pandemic hasn’t stopped high school students in Roanoke from touching people’s hearts with their voices. On Wednesday, Roanoke City Public Schools posted a virtual performance of “Sing, My Child” by Sarah Quartel, sung by a choir comprised of students…
Virginia teachers are going to be assessed on ‘cultural competency’
Makya Little was helping her fourth-grade daughter review for the Virginia Studies SOL, a standardized test on state history, when she found herself taken aback by one of the questions on the study guide. “She gets to this one question that says ‘What’s the status of the early…
‘Superheroes’ keep hungry Virginia students fed during pandemic
Many Virginia public school students are returning to the classroom after a year away, but their access to school meals never stopped. No Kid Hungry Virginia recently hosted a discussion with three administrators to highlight how their districts made school meals available despite the…
In Touch Academy Partners with Accomack Schools for After-School Services
In Touch Academy, Inc. signed a memorandum of understanding with Accomack County Public Schools March 24 to provide after-school services to students. “It’s an agreement that we’re going to work together with two of the elementary schools, Accawmacke Elementary and…
Lynchburg City Schools to offer 2 learning options for 2021-22 school year
Lynchburg City Schools announced it will offer two learning options for its students in the 2021-2022 school year. Starting in the fall, the first option available to students and their families is attending school for five days of in-person learning in the school building. “We will continue…
Clark teachers, parents want school division to restart principal search
Teachers and other staff members at Charlottesville’s Clark Elementary are displeased with the two finalists for the school’s vacant principal position and want the division to redo the search. “We are a community that loves and cares, and we want a leader that loves and cares just as…
2021 Budget Workshop, May 6, 2021
Join us for the VSBA’s Budget Training workshop to learn more about the importance of The Board’s Role in Developing the School Budget. In this virtual workshop, based on member requests, board members will learn their role in the budget process and how it relates to the…
2021 VSBA Business Honor Roll Open Now
Local businesses have the power to shape community attitudes about public schools. Every spring, the VSBA Business Honor Roll provides a way for local school divisions to recognize local businesses for their support, especially as schools face increasing budget uncertainty…