Workforce Readiness Month
ResourcesInitiativesWorkforce Readiness Month

VSBA Workforce Readiness Month
April 2023


In an effort to promote the need to identify workforce development opportunities that enable students to be prepared to succeed in the new economy, VSBA has designated the month of April  as VSBA Workforce Readiness Month with April 12, 2023, designated as Workforce Readiness Day in Virginia.

The VSBA Task Force on Workforce Readiness was established by the Board of Directors in 2015 to study how career and technical education programs are being implemented in Virginia school divisions and how these programs are preparing the state’s future workforce.

The task force has been vital in providing federal, state, and local school boards with best practices for developing and expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) as well as workforce readiness programs that offer training on skill sets that will allow students to be globally competitive.  It is also critical that we collaborate with the business industry and the community college system to ensure that students have early access and opportunity to participate in workforce readiness programs.

VSBA President David Woodard has message to encourage participation in VSBA Workforce Readiness Month:

Workforce Readiness Month Toolkit

Workforce Readiness Month graphic

Excellence in Workforce Readiness Award

VSBA Taskforce on Workforce Readiness